
Hello! My name is Laura! This is my website! ^_^

About me and this website

Hello! My name is Laura! I'm 13 years old. I'm Irish, and I'm also transfem + lesbian!!! This is my website, it's a very early work in progress. In fact, it's using a template at the moment! I'm (sorta) new to HTML, so please be nice! This website will (hopefully) contain the following in the near future: games, art, blog posts and a few more!

The template used at the moment can be found at https://repth.neocities.org/theme

Below is a chatbox, feel free to discuss anything! (no nsfw!)

... Is what I would say if some stupid fucker wouldn't stop impersonating me and some other person and posting gore as well as being transphobic. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you. You are a piece of sub-human trash and I honestly cannot believe that you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time.

Fuck you.
